Saturday, March 29, 2008

Mar 18th

I am alive and free.

I feel the need to tell that to the world.

As the tears fall down my face I mourn for the millions that are enslaved by poverty. Empty stomachs, hopeful hearts, struggling to stay alive in their way of life. I weep for the masses struggling to fill the stomachs of their children and themselves. I grieve for the children that work to help feed their parents. I mourn for the eternal sacrifice met with no reward. I cry for my misunderstanding of their reality. I cry because my tears are their tears and we cry together. I cry because I love them, adore them, and admire them. I cry when I eat a good meal, when I purchase new clothes, when I buy flowers for a friend. When I have the luxury that others don’t, I think of them and cry.

It is through these tears that I write you. It is finished. I have met the end of poverty and it brings me great sorrow. For me, the end is just the beginning but for others it is a lifetime of hardship.

This project has left me tattered and torn. My body was beginning to shut down and my mind was a couple of steps ahead of it. The muscles in my face were so numb that I couldn’t even smile. My emotions were dry and my heart lacked the capacity to love. It got so bad that I decided to end the project 4 days early.

The sad part is the statistics haven’t changed. Millions of people still suffer from world hunger and poverty worldwide. Thankfully, people are taking steps to make a difference. You can be one of those people. Your voice is far more powerful than your money. If you feel like these issues are touching your heart I encourage you to let people know how you feel and to take affirmative action. Here are some links to get you started:


Creating A World Without Poverty
The Secret History of the American Empire

To those still reading, thank you. I know that there has been quite a lull in posts and it’s for that I apologize. I’ve been wrapped up in ending tour, moving to another state, preparing for Japan, and trying to live a normal life. Thank you for your dedication. Your support was far greater than any meal I could have ever eaten.

With love. Always.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Mar 8th

Today, it is snowing and a chilly 18 degrees outside. Tomorrow in La Crosse, Wisconsin the weather will drop to -5. The cold has been able to attack my bones quicker than anticipated, though I can proudly say that I’ve managed to stay healthy. But the weather has left me tired and distraught; unprepared for the days to come.

I woke this morning wondering if I should just call everything off. I’ve been feeling extremely lethargic and unmotivated as of late. I fall asleep earlier and wake up later than I have in many years. And when I wake, I'm left with a small headache that begins to wear off after three hours. The days are slow and the nights are long but still I progress. My energy has been less than average and I don’t think that I’m as happy and outgoing as usual. It bums me out that the people I meet everyday aren’t getting an accurate representation of who I am.

I haven’t had a chance to weight myself lately but I’m very interested to see how big of a hit my body has taken. This is the scariest byproduct of the demonstration. To let my body go through this has left me terrified.

I’ve been getting emails from friends and family that have been encouraging and motivating. Thank you for caring about my cause and me.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Mar 2nd

The concept of the website is one big vocabulary test. With every word that you get right the organization will donate 20 grains of rice to starving families around the world.

1,000 grains of rice a day for the rest of tour. That’s my goal.

Feb 28th

Hunger begins to pain my stomach again even though it’s been dormant for the past week. The pain isn’t as intense as it was in the beginning when it would crush my spirits. These pains are slow and nagging. Progress is a slow process; it’s better than it was before.

I started this project exactly 4 weeks ago. Time has proved to be the biggest struggle. It has been emotionally draining to stay focused and positive. Everything I feel has been exploited during droughts of sleep and hunger. Although my struggling is difficult and troublesome, it has brought me great hope and awareness.

Someday I want to be with people that suffer from the oppression of poverty. I want to hear their story and spread their words. I want to inspire, love, support, and encourage their community; to bring the message that struggle inspires perseverance and in perseverance there is growth.